Wednesday, January 2, 2008

a 2nd chance....

My first post of 2008....I have alot swirling around in my brain...I just had to write it all out...This might come out as more of a soap-box moment...Eventually I'll figure out how to turn it around to something spiritual...

Now that I am offcialy 18 I have this saying my Aunt Kay keeps telling me."Once your an adult you can't just say,"Oops..I didn't know"...Don't be in a hurry to grow up,Megan..."
It's a conversation I've had with her many times,along with other things.
Something I recommened to everyone is to have an older adult they trust to talk to. Me,I have my parents,people at church and relatives.I'm very blessed to have so many older people to share their wisdom with me.You can learn so much listening to others. It's something that seems to be lacking in people. I have so many friends who just don't want to listen to what people have to say and it's got them in trouble.I'm not trying to rag on my friends but it deeply upsets me.I L-O-V-E Aretha's Franklin's "R-E-S-P-E-C-T". When I was in creative & described writing class for homeschoolers, my teacher sang that song constantly in class and had it printed on the top of every page as a reminder for when you were proof-reading for other people. I learn more in that class about writing then ever....*sigh*..I miss that class.

Any who....Another thing that has been rolling around in my thoughts is respect for yourself.Another thing lacking in today's society.Only 18 and I feel like I've out lived my time...I know to many girls who have given themselves away at way too young of an age...I just found out a friend who is only 3 months older than me is pregnant...I love kids and baby-sit several times a week, for several different people,but I can't imagine being a mom and still in school...I have another friend in such a hurry to know she is worth something,she HAS to have a man 24/7 to be happy...She rushed into a marriage and after being married for only 6 now gettin divorced....

God is a God of 2nd chances and if you have messed up He will forgive you and make you whole if you ask Him..It's never too late to be redeamed."He's redeamed time..." as one of my favorite skits says.

Everyday is a new day and a new beginning. That is why I love drawing and sketching sunrises.Some of my favorite songs deal with sunrises.That is probably why I am such a morning person.

One of my favorite memories from elementry days was during the summer,I would stay with my dad's parents,and every morning my grandpa would sit on the back patio with his cup of coffee watching the sunrise.I still think of that every time I smell coffee.Not cappicinno smell,but the strong brewed stuff.We would sit there talking and watch the town come to life as the day light grew.My grandma never came out untill later and my sister always slept in,so it was always just the 2 of us. :-) I miss those days.Now with my grandma having cancer I'm not able to be around as much...

From Disney's Newies....(I loved doing this play...)
Friends of the friendless, seize the day Raise up the torch and light the way Proud and defiant We'll slay the giant Let us seize the day Neighbor to neighbor Father to son One for all and all for one

~Megan Renee*

1 comment:

Tina said...

I always love reading your blog. Everything is food for thought.
The respect thing bugs me too. It seems like lots of my friends just don't care about being respectful to any form of authority. They don't want to listen to the "old" people, even though they've been living life longer and know more about it than we do. I mean, sure... I argue with my parents a lot, but I still respect their views on life. And even though we argue, we're still close. Closer than some of my friends with their parents.
Hope your year goes well. = )