Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday October 20th.

I really don't know what to title this. I have so many thoughts swirling in my head that my head is all jumbled. I have a lot of things hitting me right now.

For one,tonight was the lasst class ever of CYT and next monday is showcase. After that its my last performances ever and all too soon Aladdin will be ever.

I love my job, but with everything changing so rapidly it seems quite impossible that I'm "an adult" of nearly 19.

Things with Michael are interesting.We've been talking a lot lately even though he is no longer in CYT. I'm interested where they are going to go.

I've been having some interesting dreams that have made it impossible to sleep and I get cranky when I get tired. So that's not helping my abbility to think. Uggg..Last week I was making some dumb mistakes at work.Thank goodness Dawn is a patient woman.

I feel like I'm being pulled in all directions. I've having a hard time focusing on what I know I need to.I know I have something big coming that is requiring me to step up and give everything inside me I have and I'm not sure I'll be up to the task. I know God can handle anything but I'm scared I'm not up to the challenge.I know I'm letting my fear get the best of me. But there has been some stuff going on this week that has me questioning some stuff and reopening wounds I thought were gone. I don't want to lose it and fall to pieces again but maybe I need to just so God can intervien and pick up my Pieces and put them back together better than ever.

As you cna tell I have tons on my mind right now....UGH! I hate college life right now!

1 comment:

Trudi Rose said...

Hey Meg! I tried to comment a couple of days ago, but it wouldn't let me! I hope that everything is working out for you, and that you're feeling better soon too (I saw on Twitter that you weren't feeling, I'm not a stalker :)I know what you mean when you say that you feel like you're pulled into many different directions and can't focus on any of them...I like to call that midterm syndrom, because it seems like halfway through every semester I experience that! Just remember that "this too shall pass."

Love ya!