Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A new time in my life

Everything is said and done..ACT,GED(yes i had to take it.A college in Springfield required it) and I feel so...free...I haven't been this free of stuff for a very long time.Although not for long because now I am looking for a job, and at colleges. I am looking at College of the Ozarks, Babtist Bible College, North Greenville University in South Carolina, and a few others as alternatives. Greenville sounds amazing and I am looking into it,but it would be quite weird being that far from home.

My brother visited last week and it went as well as can be expected.In other words, my brother needs some refresher course is being tactful about some stuff.But whatever.That's Chris.

Even though highschool isn't over I still have drama.Like my friend David says,"Drama doesn't end.It has intermissions." Right now I'm caught in several.

I have Branson next week and Footloose in a month to look forward to. :) Also I am going to be spending t ime with my good friend Jen.It'll be good for me to get away from town for a lil bit and clear my head.

The reason I say that is tonight(well last night since it's early morning) I got in a fight with a friend and she got under my skin faster than you can say,"Oh no she didn't!" I can be a "peace keeper" among my friends but she started going after my loyality to my friends,my parents, then some other stuff and I admitt...I lost it on her.That temper I've tried to hide and keep calm my whole life exploaded.Not proud of it but it did happen.We had been friends so long....For over 14 years and to suddenly hear how little she thought of me and my family hit hard.Right to the heart so to speak.I can only pray God heals it and we can move on but after tonight....It's going to be hard to look at her the same.I thought everything was fine and we were cool,then BAM! Right in the gut. The thing is she wouldn't even call me.She had to do it over the Yahoo instant messenger. Please pray for our friendship...But I don't know what will happen.We're moving so opposite.*sigh* It hurts.

BUT! I had people close to me who made it easier. One of my best friends ever sat on the IM talking to me making me laugh and smile.She always knows how to cheer me up.Whenever she says something she usually knows my response before I say it and vice-versa.

A rare and true friend is sweeter than sugar,more beautiful than any gem, and more precious than any metal.

Meg Renee


You can call me Short Cort, CMT or just C said...

Hey girlio, not too much goin on here..workin on my birthday list for mama & papa roach. I have to have it done before i leave. Hopefully i can find some stuff to put on it. Not really wanting anything though. O well, i'll find some way to get them to spend money lol jk. Well, gotta run.

Trudi Rose said...

Hey Meg! I've been MIA for a while, so am trying to catch up on my blog reading. Sounds like you're having a good summer, though I'm sorry to hear about the friend trouble. You're in my prayers.

Good luck choosing a college! I am once again deciding to transfer...this time closer to home..I've discovered that I just never get over being homesick no matter how long I stay away, so it will be good to be close to family again. But I'm getting really sick of all the paperwork required for such a change!

God Bless!


Tina said...

I'll pray for you and your college decision and your friendship. I've had several hard breakups before with friends that used to be really close. It is hard. *hugs* Wish I could give you a real one!!!

And... I probably should have read this sooner, so I'm sorry. :) Life has practically exploded for me. No time for internet. :( But I'm slowly getting time back.

You'll have to tell me how the college search is going, and how things are with your horsie! Last I heard [Mack?] was doing really good.

Love ya girl!
<3 Tina