Monday, March 10, 2008

A short update.

This will be my first short post in a long time. :) haha. Well anywho I am finishing up my senior year of school,my piano recital,I'm in charge of the homeschool formal,planing gradution,HYPE,CYT,and a few other projects on the side.Such as a few leather projects I am working on.A guitar strap,a wallet,a holder for my dad's GPS he has to have for work,a mini saddle for my sister's birthday and a cell phone holder. Whew. Soon I will also be taking up tooling classes on how to do the techniques better, and create beautiful patterns on my projects. I just finished a cell phone holder for my friend Sydney. I would love to custom design a belt for myself. That's my next thing for my "me list." Right now it's the guitar strap for my bass. It's gonna be tan,blue, and white.I've already started on it. I stamped BASS CHICK on it.hehe.I'll post pictures when I got it done. Well I'm off to CYT classes. I've never done the singing class before. This one is "WICKED." I am seeing WICKED LIVE when it coems to KC! WOOHOO

Tomorrow is auditions for Mulan. I'll let you know how it goes. :) Cast list gets posted on Sunday. Well I'm off to sing about the Wicked! :)ha! Later!

"You know everything will be okay when you can see the rainbow in the storm."

Megan Renee


Tina said...

Haha. Ah, well. You had a short post, I had a long one. :D
And you sound busy, girl! I think I would go crazy with that much stuff to do. That leather stuff sounds really cool, though!
Of course, if I could I would also take up ballroom dancing and violin as well as my riding. And I'd like to get back to just recreational figure skating...

Not enough hours in the day. haha.
Love ya!

-N said...

Hey Meg!!
Im so glad that you are having fun doing everything!! You are busty but thats okay, you are just like me, busy busy busy, but you have found your passions in life!

Im thinking of you often!!
Love ya girly!!!!