Saturday, August 30, 2008

The First Week Of College.

This week was the 1st week of college. I love my theater and math teacher.They are both pretty cool.My English class in online o I haven't met her yet. lol. However. This week I have a theater test to study for on Wednesday and a paper due for English on Tuesday. *groan*
The math course is different. We go to class 2 days a week,but the actual work is done on a online site called, "Aleks." When my mom had to use the Aleks program for school, & she hated it. They have improved it quite a bit since then. (that was about 3 years ago.) So math is just something I have to get on and work on everyday for about an hour. I don't have to, but if I do that I could complete the entire 3 part basic math in one semester instead of 2 or 3. They said it can be done,it just takes a lot of time. To pass this semester you have to have atleast 40 hours total. You get about 3 hours in class every week. So if you put atleast 6-7 hours a week that will be more then plenty. I would really like to get it ALL done this semester. I have until December 12th or so till classes are done.

HAPPY NEWS! Aladdin auditions went well and I am a shopkeeper. :) I am happy I will have a small part in the play.I'm looking forward to the costumes to be honest. lol! I bet they are going to be bright and colorful! Tuesday is the first day of rehearsal. Woohoo!

I will try to update once a week.Between 3 classes at the college,CYT, and other stuff I know I will be swamped. Love you all!


1 comment:

Trudi Rose said...

Good luck with all the classes! I'm taking ALL my classes online this semester and I love being able to take all my classes in my own time. However, I do miss actually getting to know my teachers :)

And I can't wait to hear more about the play this fall! Smaller parts usually allow time for more fun :)

Love ya!
