Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Ending of Summer

Ok...So my dear blogger friends I'm sure you're afraid I abandoned you. Well for a short time I did. I am very tired and not feeling well today so I will be brief. All month I have been busy working for a lady who is taking care of her mother. However she gets tired so easily she has a hard time taking care of her. So I come in 3-4 times a week and help with things. I really do enjoy the job. Today was my day off and I woke up feeling sick to my stomach around 6 am so bad that I had to get up and go sit on the couch to keep from throwing up. Lovely, and just what you wanted to read I am sure.

... as soon as my computer wishes to comply I will post pics of the wedding... that happened a month ago... YEEESSSHHHH! Fail, I know right?

1 comment:

Trudi Rose said...

Welcome back to blogger world! I hope that you're feeling better now (I realize that it's already been a few days...)

That's really great that you have been able to help that lady. I really admire people who can do things like that...I'm not good at that at all!

I'll look forward to seeing some wedding pics!

God bless,