Thursday, January 17, 2008

Here's the 411 on my life right now....

I'm learning to trust God..I seem to have to learn that lesson over and over again.:-) But every time He is there waiting with His arms open wide wanting me to seek shelter in His love and care. I have been feeling lonely...During Snow White I was able to talk about God and life with Adrienne whenever I needed to.Adrienne and I watched out for each other.Thats just what we did. Adrienne isn't doing this play. I know I could probably do that with any-one in CYT (after all it is Christian Youth Theatre) but I just felt the most comfortable talking with Adrienne since I've known her the longest from Homeschool Volleyball team. I guess for this show I am just going to have to find someone else I can talk to.

Rachel is back in PA and I miss her terribly. We had such a fun time in Branson..I look at pictures and smile. Last night I spent 40 minuets on the phone with her.Mom couldn't believe it but I don't find it hard to believe. We had alot to talk about such as guys,life,whats new,what we are dealing with on our opposite sides of the country,etc Also..Yesterday was Wednesday...Alright..I know just saying that no one will get that. See when Rae was home every Wednesday afternoon we watched Beauty & the Beast(the 1980's show with Linda Hamilton and Ron Pearlman) and Justice Leauge, and bought some ice/chocolate and curled up on the couch just spending time together. It was just what we did. So yesterday I found myself watching "Arabseque". One of my favorite Beauty and the Beast episodes.
In that episode a old childhood crush comes back after being gone for years and brings back painful memories for Vincent.(the beast) Cause right before she left he accidently hurt her with his beast like hands and never forgave himself. Well Catherine(the Beauty) does not get the story on what happens for the longest time and it hurts her that he withholds the truth from her. Finally at the end he tells her and after he explains everything he shamefully looks at the hands that hurt Lisa(his childhood friend) and says,"That's when I knew these hands were never meant to give love..." Catherine then takes his hands in hers and says, "These hands are beautiful...These hands are my hands." That got me thinking..We all have a flaw that we are ashamed about. A part of us that will always have a scar from a broken heart and painful memories... But when we find "the one" for us they will find even our ugliest points beautiful. For me it will be someone who won't mind I wear glasses and other things that I hate....ok...strike that..."Completely and totally don't like" about myself.

So that is my life lately. I am trying to surround myself with Christians and remember God has a plan in all this somewhere. We all go through trials and storms in our lives and this is just another one in mine. Thanks for reading! Later!

"I feel like I'm stummbling through life and its only when I look back that I can see the bigger picture."

Megan Renee


Unknown said...

For Megan:

"In all things, God works for the good of those who love Him."

If we didn't have times that we walked through trials, we wouldn't know how to appreciate those moments that make us smile. God has plans for us, and loves us very much...every day.

Love ya!

~the MN friend :-)

annette07 said...


I am always in awe of how insightful each of you are. I know God has a special plan and person for you. When the time is right He will bring him around. Hang in there and enjoy your life now. I love the fact that you know God is always there.

Tina said...

I know how the friend thing goes. I've had so many friends move away. But as my dad says, God created everything to have a cycle. I think it makes us all rely more on Him. = D
And I HAVE to comment on your music player. I LOVE IT! Hahaha. Especially "I Need a Hero," "Trashin' the Camp," and THE SADDLE CLUB THEME SONG! Hahaha. Hello World. = P I actually have that on my iPod, believe it or not. lol.
I'm definately "stealing" some of your songs for my music player as well. = P
Love ya!