Monday, June 1, 2009

Life is like a rollercoaster.

When I first started the blog I used this title and I think it is befitting once again. My life has been up and down.Just when I thought it was leveling off it drops or sky rockets off unexpeccted. Tomorrow we are going to Six Flags so I'm sure that is one thing on my mind. :P lol!

Here's the scoop. I had my CT scan of my sinises and this morning my doc told me no surgery!YAY! That was a definite praise and answered prayer.Last thing I wanted was to spend my summer looking like frankestien's monster and not able to do anything! I would be on bed rest for the rest of the summer for like 6 weeks!ICK!!!! But no surgery! HHHHHHHOOOOOOOORAAAHHHHHHH!!!! YES!!!! OH YEAH! Can ya tell I'm excited over that fact? lol!

Ok.College. The two places I was looking at was Pensicola in Florida and Baptist Bible College in Springfield MO. Florida would like 16 hours from home and Springfield only 4 hours. Well after a lot fo praying and taking a lot of time to think about it I have decided on...drum roll please.......










BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am really looking forward to it! Now that I have put other things in my life in check college is falling into place. I am so excited! I talked to the Admins head and she said my application looked very promising and a very good chance I will be accpeted and be there this fall. I hope so. I do not..I repeat DO NOT! want to go to Mo West this fall. I am ready to move on. There wqas just something about Mo west I hated. It was a very humanistic veiw on the world and I hated it. Most of the professors mocked God and the ones with faith did not say anything exceppt a brief comment,byt made it known that was their beief and not pushing it. Odd but those who believed in everything I stand against had no problem shoving it down my throat and challenging everything I believe in. UGH! I can not go through another semester of it. Rae is going to just becauase she wants to do Physical Theapy with horses and no Christian college we have found yet offers that. So she's staying. But thats whatever. She tried going away to Pennsylvania and it didn't work the greatest. Oh well. I hope things work out for her at home as I try to move away somewhere else.

I do have more to write since I am currently on vacation`but I am very tired. I shouldn't be cause mhy body is on Central Time butnow we're on Eastern time. Oh well. I will write later. I haqve some great stories and some great rants. Sometimes people gereatly annoy me. Ok this one I am going ahead with cause it is short even though I can make it very long very easily.

Today at Six Flags we were there for the flag rasing and playing fo the national anthem. We saw group of people who stood there with dumb expressions on their faces like 'what are suppose to do? this is lame.' They stood there shuffling there feet,texting, and trying to talk between themselves without being too loud or obnoxious. Though they hardly succeeded. Plus they didn't put their hand over their heart pr remove their hats. Even the employees of Six Flags did not do much. They stood there quietly but that was it. They stood there not removing hats or hand over the heart. After the Anthem had played and they opened the gates I heard my father ( military of 20 some odd years) muter away about his irretadedness at such dumb disrespectful people. I had to agree. One group standing next to us who were around my age, I wanted to reach over and pull their hats off their head and slapped them with it and tell them to stand up and pay attention and show respect! UGH!!!!!!! short rant is lengthing greatly. lol!I apologize for the typos. I am not even trying to fix them....Too tired. ha! Enjoy. God bless and take care everyone!

Always Megan Renee!

1 comment:

Trudi Rose said...

Hope that the rest of your vacation is lots of fun! I'm really happy to hear your news on colleges as things start falling into place! You're still in my prayers!
