Saturday, June 27, 2009

When You Look Back....

Right now I am listening to my new favorite song. "One Life To Love"- 33 Mile...I heard it on the radio when I was driving home and I had a lot on my mind. I am moving to Springfield. I am really moving... It is just now starting to sink in. I have my "Inspirational" play list going. It has all of my feel good music on it. A little bit of everything. It was the one I had on blogger but it wasn't working properly so I took it off.

My song writing class from CYT used the message about Life Being In

Pieces & It's Only When You Look Back Do You See the Big Picture & It Was All Worth The Pain & Joy. That is where I am at. I fought different things in my life for so long and now I landed right where I thought I didn't want to be. Let me rewind and explain. I thought I wanted to be certain places and I fought against Baptist Bible College cause I didn't think that was what I wanted. Well I told God if plan A, plan B, and Plan C didn't work out...Then I would try Baptist Bible College. Guess what? None of them worked. Guess what did? BBC...Kinda feel like the dunder head of the century right now. However as time draws nearer I am more and more excited for it to get here. Yet I do admit that I am scared. I am moving 4 hours from home. When my sister left for PA I was heartbroken.My entire support system was gone. Well that was what happened when she left...But what about when I leave?What then?I do worry about my sister. However God has the best timing I know. See God has turned my 2009 year upside down. I now have my friend Sydney aka Bunny living with us due to different circumstances. Sydney was a friend of my friend Sara, and we became friends. She officially became a "St.Joe Hat" last year. She is a blast to have around. Her and Rachel get along really well too. Which I love knowing when I leave Rachel and Sydney will have each other to lean on. Sydney has pretty much been adopted into our family. After she is able to get out on our own, I know she will always have a special place in our hearts. Sydney and I were talking yesterday. If Rachel's boyfriend does anything to hurt her Sydney and I will be the mowers and he will be the awaiting grass. ha ha( got that one from Syd. I cracked up when she told me that.) I have my best friend from Mississippi visiting about a week and half and I can not wait for her and Syd to meet. I have not had a good long visit with CMT for a few years. We are long over due. So every night when I go to sleep and stare at the glow-in-the-dark stars on my ceiling I let my brain fill with all this stuff before finally drifting off.

"what will my room mate be like.","what will it be like living away from home.","will I like my classes","what will happen back home that I can't be there for and miss out on.","what if I'm needed back home and I can't get home."...You get the point. God has gotten me pretty far this year and I am quite amazed at His Hand at work.

When I told Sara, "This will be the year of change." I had no idea I would be so right. So much has happened in such a short time and so much has yet to happen.Hmm....I don't know. I am excited, nervous, anxious, worried,... and so on. Well my lil rant is done. Love ya.

Always, Megan

1 comment:

Trudi Rose said...

I'm very excited for you! My first year of college I lived at home, so I was really nervous about moving 8 hours away for school. Being that far away from my family forced me to become a little more independent, and made me meet and be supported by people that I now consider great friends! I'm sure you'll meet wonderful people! Can't wait to hear all about it :)

God bless!