Monday, December 10, 2007

A Blessing.....

This post isn't anything in particular...Just observations from the past week.

Life is so short and so precious...

I had my friend Sara spend all weekend with me and it's been exactly one year since she first saw the Haygoods live. That got us talking about everything that has happened in a year. I then sit back and say,"Has it really already been a year?Wow...."

Also...In one week I am going to be 18....Yowzerz! 18 on the 18th......*Oh!Happy Ealry Birthday to Kim V. who shares her birthday with me! :)*

I sat down and flipped through year books remembering things that I have learned in my life. Today I am going to watch plays I was in for elemtentry before I was homeschooled or in Christian Youth Theatre and decided on stage was where I belong. My favorite play is "A Star Is Born." A Christmas tale about a director who wants to make a movie about the naivity and do it the way God wants him to but everything goes horribly wrong.From "Foolish Wise Man", to a self absorbed "Mary" ,etc. In that play I was a mouse in the stables...But I loved that part! During all the songs I got to get up and dance around.The 2nd act of the play is the story of Christ birth told through the animals eyes who were present in that stable. As I sit here thinking about it,I think about all my friends from school. I see how many of them have choosen paths that I know will lead to a tough life...It's sad....How can so many great kids turn up so bad...It breaks my heart knowing I have very few friends left from the younger years. 2 to be exact.....

When I was elementry we had this "gang"....Sydney,Cortney,Rebecca, Lauren, Hormony, Kelsie, Camarae, Hennrietta, and me. As the older ones moved up to middle school it dwindled down to Sydney,Cortney, Lauren,Rebecca, and me. I lost touch with them or they lost touch with me. Now it's down to Cortney,Sydney and me, and Cortney moved 14 hours away,but we stay in touch constantly.I still miss her tons.It's not like I can go to her house and pop in a movie every time I need to chill. Life is pretty cruel. You know what though? It makes me stop and thank God for my friends even more and makes me thank Him for the friends He has provided for me to fill that void.

Also this weekend I was cleaning my room and found a whole stack of poems I wrote for fun and never did anything with...Those poems represent different times in my life. For my next post I am going to display my different poems and let you guys read about life through my eyes and feelings.I have poems about everythng from my "angels" who have kept me safe,to sadness and disappointment, having fun on the beach, lyrics to songs I never wrote a melody for, and prayers to God to help me make it through life.

"There's always a light at the end of the tunnel.But you gotta go through the darkness first."

Megan Renee


Unknown said...

Megan...My FRIEND.

It always makes me smile to know that I have been blessed to have friends such as yourself in my life. As I've moved through high school, and life, I've had and enjoyed time with many different kinds of friends. I've always said that if you move on in life, and you have learned enough to cherish the friends that God has blessed you with TODAY, then you are doing incredibly well. And the friends who know the real you, are the ones that will always care, no matter what distance there is between you.

He has a plan for us, and all those who cross our paths. Each day is a lesson, and each a gift.

Love you!

And, thanks for being a blessing in my life.

God bless,

Jason Hunt said...

I am looking forward to reading your poetry!! You have a mature way of looking at your relationships, something that most people your age lack! I hope that the other teens who end up reading your work learn from your example!

whisper said...

I love your writing Megan! I like how you look at things,and how you seem to have that down but I'm not out additued. Thats so great to have. I look forward to reading more!.

Ps: We share the same middle name but mine spelled Rennee lol .

-N said...

that quote you ended with, thats the quote that got me though the hardest year and 1/2 of my life, and i have you to thank for that. you are such a blesing in my life, I thank God each and every day you have friends like you.

love ya meg,

Tina said...

I love seeing your point of view. You have a really nice, straight forward way of saying things. And it is hard to see good friends drift away. I think thats something everyone can relate to. You can relate to others very well, I think. And I can't wait to read your poetry! It sounds really good, and thought-provoking. = )


Kim said...

Megan!!!! I love your posts and I would also love to read some of your poetry and see life through your eyes and feelings I believe is how you put it. And isn't it crazy how much things can change in just a year? Things were quite different for me a year ago. And I think I'm starting to get a different outlook on some things. Anyways...can't wait to read more from you!

Love you,