Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Miracle..And a Poem....

Life is a Miracle....I have so much to write but I did promise poems....So here they are! :)

A Prayer
Lord,Here I am,
Here I stand.
This is me,oh God hear my plea.
I wanna know how much longer!
Lord,I feel as though I'll never get stronger.
I'm ready to leave it all behind.
Lord, I'm ready to say I'm through with this world.
I wanna hear that trumpet sound,
I'm so tired amd weary of livin' with sin and greed.
Lord,I'm ready for paradise with those streets of gold.

Lord, carry me home,
Carry me to your arms.
I wanna see your face and feel your amazing grace and love.
I wanna hear those angels sing "Hallejuiah praise our God."
Lord, I wanna go home.Take me away this I pray.
I fought my fight,
All I see around me is the darkness and fear.
Lord,I wanna see your hold light.
I wanna know I ran my race and I want to hear,
"Well done my child its time to come home."
I'm ready to give up,
I feel my soul slipping away.
Lord, I wanna go home!

I know you never change, but the world around me has.
I can barely make it through each day.
Lord...I'm ready to come home...

It's a state of mind,
Not a state of being.
No one is truly ever alone.
God is there.The constant friend to the end.

Sweet Sixteen Blues
I'm in one of those thinking modes.
Trying to figure out life's secret code.
Trying to find the cure to a broken heart.
While crying, struggling, and falling apart.

Less Than Perfect
Lil' Miss Priss...
Names I have heard far too often.
Can't they see past the glitz and the glam?
Can't they see the brown eyed dreamer,how I'm not so perfect?
I have a spirit,
I have a goal,
I have a wish,
I have a dream,
I have a name....
It's Less Than Perfect....

6 am morning news.
Another crime, another case,
Another life taken away.
You said in the last days to watch the signs.
Well Lord now I'm ready to come home.
How much longer do I have to run the race?
Lord all I want is to feel your embrace.
I want a helping hand,I just can't undersatnd.
It breaks my heart to see this pain all around me.
Lord, You sent Your Son to take this away...
So for now..I'm going to trust in You.

Black and white,day and light.
Like a storm ready to quit standing still,
Lighting staining the sky and the thunder rolling over the hills.
I will ride with you,two hearts beating....Raging over the land.
Roaming wild,running free.
With power and spirit unable to hold it back
like the tide that laps at the bay.
You are the horse of old...
You are the war horse,
The painted pony...

Someday My Prince Will Come
A hopeless romantic sits on her bed,
Dreaming of when the prince will come.
She's heard all the tales of happily ever after,
One thought after another dances in her head.
She wonders who her prince will be.
Will he be tall? Will he be handsome? Will he be strong?
The littlest thing although are not what matters!
She's heard her momma say, "Find someone with a heart of gold."
"He must treat my baby as though she were royalty!"
She's heard her loving father tell her,
"Not his strength, but his Christian spirit is what must be strong and bold!"
"Follow our rules and we will let you date…possibly…maybe."
She was a lady and had a free will of her own, but her parents' rules she will obey.
When she was a younger girl she made the mistake of not heeding her parents wise words.
She met someone who caught her eye; pleased she met a boy's fancy.
But love is not what she received; the feeling of guilt and loss is all he left behind.
She would lay at night wide-awake and dread the awful scorn.
How it all cut like a sharp two-edge sword.
She kept the secret about this awful deed, and wore a smile for her parents delight.
The terror and scars became so real once again as she dreamt and was taunted by them at night.
Once and for all she knew it was time to be whole again and come clean.
Harsh word to her great surprise was not what her parents told her.
They were words of love, forgiveness, and hope.
She never forgot that hard-way-learned lesson.
So for now she will trust her heart with her parents and Heavenly Father.
They know what is best, and when a new boy comes her way she will trust them.
Love is most cherished when you know it is worth the wait.

We Remember…
Proudly representing the red, white, and blue…
Risking their lives every day over seas for me and you!
On holidays we stop for a moment of prayer just to remember their name.
We should pray for them everyday just the same.
On Christmas we remember them when we pass by and see,
All the country's hope with our yellow ribbon Christmas tree!
So many have been wounded and died in the midst of the fight,
All the while keeping the flag, family, and freedom in sight.
They proudly would sacrifice for this country even laying down their own life!
When they take that pledge they knew this job would contain hurt and strife!
They get up and do the needed task of serving others every day.
Boldly protecting the president, and every citizen of the U. S. of A.
In a crisis they are the first to respond and the last to retreat.
They are the ones I salute and feel are the real heroes when we have a chance to meet.
They are the USA soldiers!
We remember 9/11/2001! Let freedom ring! ~September 11,2006

That's enough for now I think.:) Let me know what you think!Love you all!Thanks so much for reading my blog!God bless and Merry Christmas!

Dare to dream...Shoot for the moon and atleast you'll end up with the stars.*


Megan Renee <3


Unknown said...


Ok, so I most definately cannnot say everything that I'm thinking, but, I can say that you are one very special soul. You write, and share what I know I, and others have often wondered, and thought. God is, and will continue to use you in incredible ways! And, a song that I always think of when we speak about this world, and the journey we embark upon here, is Newsong's "Don't it Make You Want to Go Home." Check it out!

We are only in this world, not of it, and while here, all we can do is pray that God uses us in ways that will bring others to the eternal life we all know we will recieve.

Love you!

God bless you,

Jason Hunt said...

Meg, I love it!! You express yourself really well in words and I can't wait to read some more!!!!

-N said...

meg!! you know these are some of my faves of urs.
I love your writting, i swear you are going to write a best seller!

I love you girl!!

I have a new post up...


Tina said...

Oh my gosh! Those were AMAZING! And the courage it takes to post those poems that let us see so deep inside your thoughts! I loved them. I've written several poems myself, but I'm too shy to let others see them... So I just share them with God. = )
I definately think you're going to touch lots of people with your poetry [or other writings]. You're amazing.
And I have to ditto all the comments above mine. ^^

Love ya, love your poems!

annette07 said...


DITTO DITTO DITTO to what everyone else said!
I wish I had the talent to put my thoughts and emotions into poetry.

You ROCK!!