Saturday, February 9, 2008

I just wanna say thanks!

To everyone for listening to my rantings lately and and my "weird funk". I've been feeling so over whelemed and just really down.This week was hard as well but God used it in so many ways.It was like I was running on "empty" physically,emtionally,etc. I let my bad attitude get the best of me. I was talking to Jason this week and something he said got me thinking.About enjoying my life where-ever I am. I try to go with the flow and be happy where ever I am,but again..I seem to have forgotten that some where in the past week.

God gave me a hug from heaven this week.I wasn't able to go to CYT on Monday or Tuesday and the weather was too nasty to go to church on Wednesday. I felt even more lonely and sad.Thursday I took some time to really reflect on what is important in my life and to refocus what I am doing. God and I are at Peace again. I had become so wrapped up in stumbling over myself on what "I" want to do I forgot to stop and say "God make it obvious..Keep it simple I'm stupid..You know what is best..." I prayed about it but I was still trying to figutre it on my own. That was wrong and stupid.I accomplised nothing,exceppt wasting my time,energy, and sleep. I talked with my sister and that always helps.She had some great advice. She's so smart.

Friday night rolled around and I was hanging with Karis,Hannah,and Sydney before rehearsal,catching up on the week. He came over and gave me a hug with out me having to say a word. "Hey Megan." "Hey how are you?" "Doing good.You?" "Doing alright.Hey...Michael..I have a question for you." "Sure.What is it?" I then told him about the up coming formal and how I was wanting to bring a friend to it. I asked him if he would like to go. He said,"Yeah,sure I would like to go with you!Just let me know as soon as you know the date for sure.There shouldn't be a reason why I can't go." The rest of the night him and I were able to stand next to each other for most of rehearsal. He and I were constantly flirting with each other.I admit it, I enjoyed fliriting back. :-) Heh heh.One time that night we were even holding hands. 0:-) See...We were in singing room and he was standing behind where I was sitting. I leaned my head back and looked up at him. He said,"How ya doin?" I told him good but kinda depressed. He asked why and I told him about my brother not coming from on ship till after my graduation.He said,"Man,that sucks! I am so sorry!" He put his hands on my shoulder and I placed my hands over his.He then turned his hands to where he was holding mine, and said."I hope he get home safe...Hey! When is your graduation?" I told him June 1st and he repeated the date to himself a few times than the music director called for everyone to settle down and get to work on "Horton VS. The People." the final song. Michael stepped back and let go.I had to sigh.LOL! The rest of the night was like that.

On the way home I told dad,"Hey Daaaaaddd...." "Hey what?" "I have my first date." *stops chewing and swallows his egg roll whole.*Cough*Uhummmmm....Excuse me!?!?!?!" "Yeah..I told you about asking Michael." "I heard you and your mom talking about it,but NOONE cleared it with ME!" "Heh heh.Oops.." "What did he say." I then told dad about my conversation with him and that he should be able to go.*exceppt I left out about the hug,holding hands, and flirting.0:-)* Dad then changed it to,"Man these things are spicy..Should of got the chicken."

I also had a 5 hour salsa class today casue showcase is in 2 weeks and we still have so much to learn.Showcase is just that.The various dance,acting and singing classes showcase what they learned in that semister for CYT. I got to dance till I couldn't any more. It felt great! Dancing is one way I let stress out.Popping in a dance CD and rocking out till I collaspe on my bed and am ready to let all the feelings out by writing,crying or whatever. Michael was there today but he was in the hip-hop class so we barely got to talk.However, there was one time he came over to see how I was doing and just held me,letting me use him as something to rest against while I caught my breath. He's a sweetie like that. I know he tends to flirt with other girls,but in a way it doesn't bug me. Like I said..I'm at peace about everything. Thanks again! I love you all!!

Ecclesiastes 3:4 "A time to weep,a time to laugh, a time to mourn, a time to dance..."

Meg Renee


annette07 said...

awww and YIPPEE!!! I am so happy for you. I know you have really been struggling with this and am glad you made a decision. Don't worry about Dad. They all love to give you a hard time and make you think you are still just his 'little girl'. We had four girls in our family-no boys-and dates drove him nuts. haha
You deserve alot of *hugs* for just being you. You are wonderful!!

God bless and love,


Tina said...

Your dad's reaction made me laugh. Probably because when I have my first "real" date... he'll do something like that.
I'm glad you're at peace about a lot of things. That makes life a lot easier, when you can really trust God to pull you through.
...and hopefully he can pull Michael through meeting your dad. :P
Love ya

Unknown said...

You want to know what I always say? Of course you do!!! Since I've been short on advice lately!

"Be who God made you, know that He'll be there...ALL THE TIME, and when you think you can't go on, remember that Heaven awaits, and this is only a journey to those gates! Live, and love, and laugh until you have given all your energy to shine Christ's light upon the world."

God made you for a reason Meg, you're one ordinary girl, that He has chosen to be a special part of the lives of many! You just wait and see what plans He has for you, and all He's taught you! And, life's too short to miss out on the blessings that are there, if you take the time to look.


PS: WOOOHOOO for boys to fo to dances with! :-)

Trudi Rose said...

Yay! I'm really happy for you! I love that feeling when I've been in a rather dark place, and God sends something really great to remind me that He's there, and loves me more than anything.

Hope that you're having a great week!
