Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Ruby Heart...This is going to be a long post!

Once I had a teacher who taught a lesson about obeying God and this part has always stuck with me."God says it once, listen.He says twice, ya better take note.He says it three times,ya need to just plan take a hint!Four...Well He shouldn't even have to say it that many.But God repeats Himself numerous times in the Bible.Why do you think that is? Cause God wants us to obey Him, & He calls us His sheep for a reason.Its cause sheep are dumb we can pretty dumb at times." I never forgot her saying that. Not cause she called us dumbs but cause the point she made is so true. Well I found my repetitive message.

WAIT. Just wait. Take my foot off Life's accelerator & let God put it at His speed."Let Jesus take the wheel."When I was 14 I went to a "True-Love-Waits" program and I read this story about a girl watching an author write out a love story and she got so frustrated with the waiting for the main character taking so long to meet the right guy, she took the pen from the author & re-wrote it to speed it up. She wrote the wrong guy into the story instead of the prince & spilled ink & tears all over the beautiful pages & hand writing the author had spent so much time on.She starts crying and the author hugs her & says,"I can fix this if you'll let me take over." She hands the pen & book back over & later in the story you find out the author was God & He was writing that girls story. I read this long ago but lately I can't get it out of my head. How we mess everything up when we try to take our life in our own hands.

See my parents bought me a ruby-heart "purity" ring about a year ago(it similar to the one in the pic)to wear on my left hand and the day I get marry my dad will take the ring and give it to my future husband and then the man I am marrying will put the gold band on.For while I got out of the habit of putting it on everyday,cause I take it off in the morning when I'm washing my face etc cause soap gets the cracks and then it looks nasty.Well for awhile it didn't phase me I didn't wear it.Well all of sudden I felt so guilty for not wearing it,because of what it stands for. Also my Sunday school teacher bought me a key and heart necklace to wear.Plus my dad bought me a t-shirt that says,"A girl needs to be so lost in God that a guy must seek HIM to find her." Plus for Bible Study & Sunday School we are going through the women of the Bible and covering how they were a positive or negative influence on their family,and about even though some messed up they were still considered Godly wives. My teacher wanted to make a point so they have been having the women of our church coming in and giving their testimonies on how they met their husbands and what God has brought them to where they are today. See a pattern?

Today I wore my new "Lost in God" shirt to Seussical rehearsal & I had several girls come up & tell me they loved it & a couple had the same shirt. It was really neat when I had guys tell me they liked it. So my head has been swirling lately with all this stuff. This weekend I spent a lot of my time with my dad and it was wonderful. We had a nice talk about boys,life,vacations,everything.

So far for the testimonies we've only had 2. But they were both,"Awww!A true fairy tale story." One was Ellen.Her family and mine are very close.She was a lot like me. "The goody-2-shoes who was the church sweetheart and got teased for being lil miss perfect." Well she took her studies very serious and didn't look around for a guy till she was a sophomore in college.She didn't meet any one and said,"Alright.When you're ready I am." That summer she went to Texas to visit a friend and her friend tried to set her up with this boy named Jeremy who was the same age as her. They spent some time hanging out and talking.They exchanged e-mail addresses and phone numbers. Ellen was so excited.She thought she had found the one.Jeremy seemed so perfect. A whole school year went by and she never heard from him.She was heart broken.Well she went back to visit that friend and guess who was there waiting for her.Jeremy.She wanted nothing to do with him at first but he found his way in her heart.What had happened was Jeremy was feeling pressured into dating Ellen and he wanted God to bring her along and not date a girl just cause a mutual friend thought they should. They spent a year e-mailing and spending time on the phone,even though he was in southern Texas and she was in Pennsylvania. The next year Jeremy asked her father permission to date Ellen and for him to be able to move to Pa. Her dad said,"You're an adult.I can't tell you what to do." Jeremy's response was,"All due respect sir.Yes you can.She's your daughter.You don't like me and want me to scram,I will.But I want a relationship with Ellen.But if you are not comfortable with it and do not believe God wants us together I will not disrespect yours' and your wife's wishes." Well Jeremy went back to Texas,packed up his stuff and was back in PA a few days later. :-) Think he was in love? HA! They were engaged a few weeks later. Now they have 3 absolutely gorgeous girls who I love to spoil and babysit for.Hallie-5,Heidi-3, & Hope-1. :-)

Patty.She was raised in church but her father was into all kinds of evil and dirty dealings.Her parents got divorced when she was 11.Her grandparents were Godly people and always watched out for them.When she was 16 she met a guy who was very wealthy and very charming.She got swept up in it all and decided to date him. Well he become very controlling and was a very short tempered guy.She decided he was too much like her father and wanted nothing to do with those kinds of men.He didn't like the fact they broke up and did not want no for an answer.He was drafted into the army,but after 9 months he was kicked out and was hanging back around.Patty still wanted nothing to do with him and he became stalker-ish.Breaking into her house and following her around. He called her grandparents one night with out her knowledge and told them,he and Patty had plans to take them out for their anniversary. He then called Patty and told her what was going on.She was not comfortable with it but since he had already told her grandparents to be expecting them she went along with it.On the way home he stopped for a coke and was insistent he go in to get them.She thought was strange but finally said,"Ok.Whatever." Next thing she remembered she was waking up in a hotel room. The drink had been drugged and the guy was laughing about it thinking it to be a joke.She got out of there and got herself out to visit a aunt in another part of the states,so she could hide out a while.She was clueless on what she should do.She was scared. Well a few months later,right after her 18th birthday she found out she was pregnant.Abortion was now legal and a tempting option.She had a friend who was persistent she went to church with him and she finally surrendered her life to Christ.She kept her daughter.2 years later she made a list of what kind of man she wanted.A month following that she met her husband.They had worked in the same building all this time but never crossed paths.Her future husband,Tim had gotten out of church just from being so busy with college and work and was just getting back in church the time this happened. He asked her out and a year or two later they were married.

See,I've been surrounded by this lately.Proverbs31:10 "Who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far beyond rubies."Get why its a ruby heart? :-)

I hope you all enjoyed this post.
God Bless and Always,
Megan Renee


annette07 said...


Thank you for sharing these stories. I was impressed when we talked early and glad you decided to tell everyone else. I have seen many young teens with the purity rings and think it is AMAZING to put your commitment out so publicly. I applaud all of you. The right person will be worth it many times over. I too pray that God will show me the Mr. Right He has set for me. Someday he will be before me and I him. Then you will know how I feel as well.

God bless and love,

Tina said...

That was a good post. =]
This past weekend I went to a girls' confrence thing at my church, over purity and other fun stuff like that. So its been on my mind too. Several girls even got some shirts they were giving away that said, "Waiting is Sexy!" ^_^
I had to Awwww at the first story.
Thanks for sharing! And I like the purity ring idea, too.

love ya!

Trudi Rose said...

This was a beautiful post...sorry it's taken me so long to read it! My roommate and I talk a lot about waiting on God's timing. We've both had our moments of frustration, as she's 25 and I'm almost 23 and neither of us have met anyone. These stories helped remind me to be excited about waiting, because as you said, God writes the best love stories :)

Hope your play went well!
